Sunday, January 31, 2010
Sri Sri Ravishankar against Bt Brinjal
Sri Sri offers olive branch to Maoists
Saturday, January 30, 2010
50 school employees relieve stress, one breath at a time

Spiritual Guru Sri Sri Ravishankar arrived in Orissa

Friday, January 29, 2010
HC issues notice over corrective fluid
Art of Living Foundation's counselling helpline for youth and parents, which began operations last week, averaged 70 calls a day
It was early afternoon on Friday when the phone rang for the first time at the Art of Living's (AoL) Hopeline office in Camp. A young volunteer picked up the phone and heard a girl's shaky voice.
"I need help," said the 20-something on the other line and thus began the journey of Pune's first 24-hour helpline.
Alarmed by the rising number of student suicides and just days after foundation Chief Sri Sri Ravi Shankar left the city after public discourses, AoL Foundation started the helplines across three locations in the city.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Grand and Auspicious inauguration for Ahilyabai Holkar Exhibition
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Basu was a fan of Vivekananda: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Thursday, January 14, 2010
One Lakh people singing Vande Mataram
Inspired by Guruji, 2750 Hindustani Classical vocalists & over 1,00,000 strong audience sing India's National Song 'Vande Mataram'. (Antarnaad, Pune, India, 12th January 2010)
Courtesy Star TV
'Indian classical music can stop student suicides'
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Sri Sri Ki Jai! Young urban Indians have given their verdict.
Preserve Indianness, exhorts Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Art of Living’s historic musical symphony in Pune

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Look within for a role model- Sri.Arvind Varchaswi, Director, Sumeru Group.

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Guruji's Birthday Celebrations 2010 - For Tamilnadu Participants
After the absolutely marvelous experience in 2009 it is our great pleasure to invite you for the second
Journey towards the Self with H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,
7th – 14th May 2010, from Arosa (Switzerland) via Weggis to Bad Antogast (Germany)!
- Art of Living Part 3
- Sahaj Samadhi Meditation course with Smt. Bhanumathi Narasimhan
- Birthday Celebrations in honor of H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
- Extended stay in Arosa!
AND: special commentaries on the Bhagavat Gita!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Udupi: Genetical Modifications, Ploy to Subvert Granary – Sri Sri Ravishankar
He was speaking after accepting the ‘Navayuga Guru (Guru of the modern era)’ award at the symposium on world peace, organized on Thursday January 7 at the Rajangan of Sri Krishna Mutt here. Earlier in the day, he paid obeisance to Lord Krishna.
“The DNA of scorpion has been used to genetically modify brinjal. Those who eat this brinjal may also imbibe the attribute of stinging others, like a scorpion. The vaccine for swine flu had been found two years ago. The spread of swine flu recently smacks of a conspiracy to make money through boosting the sale of this vaccine,” he explained.
“Let us be alert to the people who display demonic traits. Let us constantly follow the principles of Karma (duty-work), knowledge, meditation and devotion. A genuine devotee does not nurse enmity about any one. If Bhagawadgita is recited in every household, refinement, culture and control over our senses get achieved automatically. The temples should take up the task of teaching the people to recite the songs of Dasas and the Vachanas,” he advised. Read More
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Guruji's Birthday Celebrations 2010

After the absolutely marvelous experience in 2009 it is our great pleasure to invite you for the second
Journey towards the Self with H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,
7th – 14th May 2010, from Arosa (Switzerland) via Weggis to Bad Antogast (Germany)!
- Art of Living Part 3 or Part 1 Course
- Sahaj Samadhi Meditation course with Smt. Bhanumathi Narasimhan
- Birthday Celebrations in honor of H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
- Extended stay in Arosa!
AND: special commentaries on the Bhagavat Gita!
In the early 1990s, H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar gave a series of memorable Art of Living courses in Switzerland. It was during these courses that His Holiness spoke on some of the most profound subjects, amazing participants with, for example, his commentaries on the Patanjali Yoga Sutras, a magnificent stock of knowledge that is widely published and cherished all over the world.
After many years, His Holiness came in 2009 back to Switzerland and shared commentaries on the Isha Vâsya Upanishad. This year, Sri Sri will not only personally preside over the Art of Living Course, but he will also impart new knowledge: his much-awaited commentaries on the 7th chapter of the Bhagavat Gita.
Grüezi and Welcome to Switzerland!
Welcome to a rare unique journey to the depths of the Self!
On the request of many the Journey has been extended by one day!
The journey begins with the Art of Living course from 7th - 11th May 2010. After a day of rest, participants will then proceed on the 12th May to Lake Luzern, the most beautiful lake in Switzerland, where we will enjoy a unique boat trip! The journey will then lead participants directly to the European Centre of the Art of Living Foundationin the Black Forest, where on 13th May 2010 Maha-Satsang celebrations will be launched to mark the 54rd birthday of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
Participants are advised to sign up as soon as possible, as last year the course was fully booked by middle of April. There are only 480 places available which will be allocated on a ‘first come-first serve’ basis.
Come and join this unique journey!
With best regards,
Your Arosa Event-Office
Tel. 0049-7804-973966 - course@artofliving-
Gurudev to Inaugurate New Land Mark Building for Art of Living Foundation

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Breathe your stress away this year

Friday, January 1, 2010
Guruji's New Year Evening Satsang 2009-10
A New Year And More Of Prosperity And Peace: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
New Year Message from Sri Sri (Speaking Tree: TOI 1-Jan-2010)
Each New Year, we wish others happiness and prosperity. What really is the sign of prosperity? There are several – a smile,contentment, freedom, the willingness to share, fearlessness and the trust and confidence that you will get what you need in life.
Welcome the New Year with a genuine smile. As you flip the calendar, keep flipping your mind as well. Don’t fill your future dates with past events. Learn and unlearn from the past, and move on.
You want to be free of greed, hatred, jealousy and all such imperfections. Understand that negative emotions are due to the past.
Do not let the past affect your life in the present. If you cannot forgive the past, then your future will be miserable. This New
Year make up with someone with whom you are not on good terms. Start life afresh.
In the New Year, wish peace and prosperity for all. Do selfless service. Live your life well. Realise that your priority is to check violence in the world, free of domestic and societal violence. Make a resolution to do more good, help people in need and bring solace to those suffering.
Whenever you are useful to people, merit will never be lost. Any good gesture or action of yours will always come back to you. Today you have the whole world for a family. That’s what you need to feel, that everybody is part of your own family. Take
responsibility. Then there is no suffering.
The spiritual dimension of life brings a great sense of belongingness, responsibility, compassion and caring for the whole world, for all life. In its truest form spirituality helps us overcome narrow boundaries of caste, creed, religion and nationality and gives you a broader awareness of life everywhere.
Open your eyes and see how much you have been given. Focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have. The more grateful you are, the more will be given to you. Conversely, the more you complain, the more will be taken away from you. This is what Jesus Christ meant when he said, “Those who have will be given more; those who don’t give, and even what they have will be taken away from them.”
With gratitude, reach out and help those who are less endowed. You will get much contentment when you serve selflessly. Then you realise that your problems aren’t so big after all. The biggest reason for mental depression is the constant refrain of the mind that says, “What about me?” This is a sign of lack of prosperity. Become free like a bird. Open your wings and learn to fly. This is something you have to experience within yourself. If you think you are in bondage, you will remain bound here. Be free. When will you experience freedom? After you die? Become free right now. Sit down and become contented. Spend some time in meditation and satsang. This not only calms your mind, your inner self becomes strong enough to deal with challenges.
When the mind relaxes, the intellect becomes sharp. When the mind is loaded with ambitions and feverish desires, then the intellect loses its keenness. When intellect and observation are not sharp, life does not express itself fully. Ideas don’t flow properly and abilities diminish day by day. With this understanding, you step out of your narrow confines and that will solve many of the problems in your life. When you are centred, there is happiness always. With this calmness, talents arise naturally. Intuition comes, beauty comes, peace comes; Love springs up. Prosperity comes.