Friday, February 10, 2012

‘We women can transform the world’

10 February 2012 BANGALORE —“Smile, don’t stress, see the world through a wider perspective and above all, have compassion. One of the world’s most admired and followed spiritual leaders, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s recipe for a happier world that is more in harmony with each other, is simple and eminently implementable.
A gathering of some 600 women from 55 countries listened in rapt attention as Sri Sri and his sister, Bhanumathi Narasimhan, a much admired meditation teacher who also heads the women and child welfare programmes of the centre, spoke about life, love, harmony, technology and everything in between, at the Art of Living’s world headquarters at Bangalore, India, last week.

It was an extraordinary event in itself — how often can you expect to see leaders from Iraq, Iran, Palestine and a clutch of African and Middle Eastern countries share the same dais for an exchange of ideas? And yet, there they were, dressed in their traditional best, putting their best foot forward, mingling with each other, laughing, back-slapping and sharing their stories, as only women can do. The occasion was a seemingly rather serious event— an international conference on Women and Technology — but the women rendered it an infinitely joyous event with a human face, discussing the way technology touched their lives, sometimes for the better and sometimes, sadly, for the worse.

“As creators and users of technology, women have been greatly empowered. However, we should not forget the mind that created this technology. We are used to charging our phones, laptops etc. What can we do to recharge ourselves? For a human mind to be more effective, it needs to be charged through meditation. A technologically sound woman has a mind that is not lost to machines, but uses them effectively on her path towards her goal. A spiritually sound woman has a say over her mind in all matters ….,” Bhanumathi Didi , as she is affectionately called by her followers said. Read More

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